Executive Director Message

ED Message Summer.png

Wow! August already!

The remaining weeks of summer are dwindling and everywhere I look, I see people preparing to welcome fall. Vacations are slowly coming to an end; back to school supplies line the aisles in stores; families are preparing for a return to school in whatever form they’ve chosen. The changing of seasons seems like a natural time to pause and look around.

There is no doubt COVID-19 has challenged everyone across the world, including individuals, families, businesses and non-profit organizations as well. From challenges, however, strength, resilience and opportunities can come. Six months ago, The Today Centre met our challenges head on and turned to providing services to victims of family violence over the phone and conducting training and workshops virtually.

We held our first virtual AGM in June, finalized and printed the Cut It Out booklet, and are preparing to launch a secure chat feature on our website. A slow, steady return to The Today Centre office now means those who need help can decide for themselves on how to access our services. By providing options of phone, Zoom, secure chat or in-person, individuals can decide on what works best for them and their situation.

THANK YOU to those who have continued to help victims of family violence and their children get the help they need! Stay well and stay safe.

Cindy Furlong, Executive Director

Communications Specialist