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The Today Centre offers programs that can help those fleeing from family violence.

Learn more about our programs below.


Lives on the Line Program

Lives on the Line program provides $20 of talk and text minutes and a cell phone to high risk victims of family violence who have no other means of communication. The Lives on the Line program is a lifeline to safety and help if they are in immediate danger of an assault, harassment or stalking. A phone means access to the support of friends, family and other community agencies. No one has to feel alone or unsafe.

Jennifer’s Story


Jennifer was a newcomer to Edmonton and left her extremely abusive husband with nothing but the clothes on her back.  The Lives on the Line program provided her with a cell phone and talk and text minutes, so she could connect with service providers, friends and her support system. After her husband found her, Jennifer was able to use her Lives on the Line phone to contact police. Because of a phone, she escaped a physical assault. Because of a phone, she had a lifeline to safety


Safety in Motion Program

Many of those impacted by family violence do not have the transportation means, or financial resources, to flee abusive relationships, or access services. The Safety in Motion program lifts transportation barriers and ensures a clear path to safety through the provision of bus tickets, taxi fares, or gas cards. Without these supports, people can remain in unsafe and abusive situations with nowhere to turn.

Lara’s Story

Lara had been in an abusive relationship for many years.  Living with chronic pain, Lara was unable to take public transportation to the Today Centre. The Safety in Motion program allowed a taxi to be used so she could access services at the Today Centre. Having transportation to get the help she needed, Lara has accessed resources to become independent enough to leave her abusive relationship. She is now living a life free from family violence. Meeting her transportation needs gave Lara access to safety.  


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Safe at Last

Safe at Last is a program that provides concrete financial help and support to victims by removing any barriers to their safety. For example, under the Safe at Last program, door locks may be changed to help a victim of family violence feel safe in their home from their abuser; costs to cover a moving company may be issued so a victim can leave their home safely with their belongings; fees for a court process server may be paid so a restraining order can be served to keep the victim safe. Safe at Last ensures that victims of family violence, without the necessary financial means, do not remain in unsafe situations.


There are several ways to donate to The Today Centre

You can make a one time gift, donate a gift in kind, become a monthly donor or make a planned gift. Please contact Linda Kelly at or 780.392.3262 for more information.

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